- Who are we?
We are the Veterans’ Support Group of Queensland, proudly owned by the Queensland Branch Inc. of the Vietnam Veterans Federation.
The Queensland Branch and it’s Sub-Branches is dedicated to the welfare of ALL veterans and their families. We have no other aim or role. If you are a sick veteran and you suspect your sickness may have been caused by your war service, we invite you to consult one of our trained advocates.
Our success and professional service to the veteran community is widely acknowledged. This has seen more and more veterans from all theatres of war, hazardous service, and Peacekeeping or Peacemaking roles, as well as both currently serving and ex-services men and women, seeking our assistance. We make no distinction nor do we discriminate.
We welcome all who feel that their service to their country has in some way affected their health and wellbeing. Other agencies often refer veterans to us because of the highly professional service offered by the Veterans’ Support Group. We jealously guard our hard earned reputation as one of the leading Ex-Service organisations in the country.
We will advise what benefits you may be eligible to receive and help you apply for them. In this process we may refer you to medical specialists, legal specialists and Counselling. We may also be able to assist your family to understand your condition. If your application for Repatriation benefits is rejected, we can prepare an appeal for you and represent you at the appeal hearing.
There is, of course, no fee charged for these services. The Veterans’ Support Group represents the interests of veterans, particularly those suffering illness because of their war service, to the Government and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The Queensland Branch publishes a quarterly magazine titled ‘INCOMING’. The magazine airs veterans’ issues particularly exposing the overt and covert attacks frequently made by both, the Government of the day, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, on veterans’ rights and benefits.
To get your Newsletter delivered each quarter, FREE, why not join our Organisation. To receive the e-Newsletter simply contact the E-News Editor at incomingeditor@vvfqld.com.
As an organisation we continue to fight for your rights as a returned veteran. We continue to pursue, to the ultimate, your rights to appeal unjust determinations. And, we boast an extraordinary percentage of success that continues to indicate the lengths some will go to, to deny what is yours by right of your service and sacrifice.